A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes.
– Gandhi
I love a good motivational quote as much as the next person, but there’s actual science behind why your thoughts are creating your reality.
It’s pretty simple actually. Let’s get into it.
Here’s what happens when you think something:
Thoughts ➞ Brain Stimulation ➞ Hormone Production ➞ Feelings ➞ Emotions ➞ Actions.
You might be wondering- what’s the difference between a feeling and emotion?
A feeling is what physically happens in our body and our emotion is how we label it.
Now let’s see it play out:
Which scenario do you think ended up in the person making the change that was needed for their happiness? See how a simple thought can alter your life?
Scenario 1: Person is unhappy and wants to change careers
- Thought: Victim – “I am stuck in this career because that’s what I went to school for so I’ll never be able to change careers”
- Feeling/Emotion: Apathy – indifference, lack of enthusiasm/engagement/effort
- Action/Results: Lethargy – inability to make a change, take initiative or see options.
- Feeling/Emotion: Apathy – indifference, lack of enthusiasm/engagement/effort
Scenario 2: Person is unhappy and wants to change careers
- Thought: Responsibility – “I control my happiness and I need to make a career change in order to make myself happy ”
- Feeling/Emotion: Empowerment – taking ownership, in control, letting go of resentment, fault, or mistake
- Action/Results: Discovery- take matters in your own hands, take action and seek solutions.
- Feeling/Emotion: Empowerment – taking ownership, in control, letting go of resentment, fault, or mistake
How you can be more mindful of your thoughts:
Ask yourself, “does this thought serve me”?
If something doesn’t help you – get rid of it.
Again, it’s just that simple.
You telling yourself, “I’ll never be able to make money following a passion” doesn’t serve you.
To be clear, I’m not telling you to be holier than thou. Sometimes you need to have a good pitty party and wallow in your sorrows because that will make you feel better – it’s serving you for that moment.
But check in with yourself on what is serving you short term versus long term.
The power of the mind is incredible. Make sure you’re using it to create the life you want.
The mind is a powerful force. It can enslave us or empower us. It can plunge us into the depths of misery or take us to the heights of ecstasy. Learn to use the power wisely.”
– David Cuschieri

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