Have you had moments where you find yourself in a funk, but don’t know how to get out of it? Trust me, we’ve all been there and I know how defeating it can feel. 

The good news is I have some tried and true ways to get you out of it! Let’s dive into some easy tips on how to get out of a funk. 

Acknowledge the funk, but don’t live there

You don’t have to be Wonder Woman (although, I know you’re strong and powerful as hell). You’re human and it’s okay to acknowledge how you’re feeling.

Feelings are actually neither good nor bad, they just are. Your feelings are your body’s way of signaling something to you. Take some time to acknowledge what you’re feeling – allow yourself to feel it and try to understand the source of the feeling. Journaling can be a helpful tool to get out of your head and onto paper. 

While it’s important to acknowledge the feeling, it’s even more important that you don’t live there. Acknowledge it, feel it and get on to doin’ you. 

Remind yourself of the good

I know it can be hard to see the good when you’re in a funk, but to pull yourself out of your it start with appreciating the good in your life (it can be the smallest things).

Ask yourself questions to reprogram your brain for gratitude:

  • What’s going well for you?
  • What are you grateful for?
  • What are you proud of?

There’s actual science behind how your thoughts are creating your reality and gratitude can manifest incredible things. 

Do something you love 

Literally do something to get you out of a state of lack and into a state of abundance. Listen to your favorite song, go for a walk, practice your hobby, do some yoga – spend your time doing something that brings you joy. 

take matters into your own hands

If you’ve identified the source of your funk and feel as if it’s not serving you, make a change. Don’t just allow this pattern to persist – do something about it. It doesn’t have to be anything extreme, just start taking small steps to change the things that are in your control.  

Give yourself grace and know the feeling will pass

Give yourself the grace to be human and know that what you’re feeling will not last forever. Funks suck, but they are part of our journey to help us understand ourselves, grow and evolve. You are on the right track, my friend. Hang in there.    

Have you been in a funk with your career or life and can’t seem to shake it? Do you want support on how to get out of your funk so you can live your best life? Schedule a free consult below to get started on getting out of the funk and reclaiming the happy life you deserve.